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한국수출입은행의 국제기구 파견인턴 채용
한국수출입은행의 국제기구 파견인턴 채용
작성자 전체관리자
조회수 1651 등록일 2018.02.20

한국수출입은행의 국제기구 파견인턴 채용 



당행에서는 국제기구(World Bank) 파견 인턴을 모집하고 있으며, 지원 관련 내용은 아래와 같습니다.



 - 아 래-

□ 지원자격

- 도시·환경·토목 분야 석사이상 학위 소지자 또는 해당분야 경력 3년 이상인 자

- EDCF 서포터즈 우수활동자 우대

- 해외체류에 결격사유가 없는 자


□ 업무내용

- 근무기간중 1~2개월간 본점 EDCF 부서 근무
- 나머지 9~10개월은 국제기구(World Bank) 스리랑카 사무소 파견근무


지원마감 : 2018. 2. 22.(목) 15:00 

□ World Bank에서 제시한 TOR

- We would like the selected individual to work with the Urban Development Team based in Colombo, Sri Lanka. S/he is expected to report to the TTL(Senior Urban Development Specialist) and support team in (ⅰ) project formulation, detailed preparation; project appraisal, environmental and social and environmental policies and procedures; procurement, financial management, operation and maintenance, and sustainability of investments; and (ⅱ)interacting with the clients of implementing agencies. Given the nature of work and responsibilities that we expect the individual to fulfill, it is important that the following professional criteria are met;


(a) Excellent English speaking and writing skill is a must;

(b) Master's degree in civil engineering, environmental engineering, or urban planning development;

(c) Three years work experience in urban infrastructure planning, development and operation; experience in planning or management of solid waste management is a plus;

(d) Experience working with an international development organization and in a multi-cultural environment; amd

(e) A strong team menber to carry out tasks assigned by the Task Team Leader, including preparation, review and comment on technical documents and field visits.


자세한 내용은 아래 사이트를 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.

 한국수출입은행 채용 사이트(https://recruit.koreaexim.go.kr/site/program/recruit/view?menuid=009002001&recruitno=36)